Upcoming Workshop: Use of Synchrophasors and Synchronized Sampling in Protection (SGSMA 2019)

The IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics 2019 (IEEE SGSMA 2019) will be held in College Station, Texas on May 20-23, 2019. There will be a morning workshop on May 20, 2019 discussing the Use of Synchrophasors and Synchronized Sampling in Protection. This workshop is intended to bring together subject-experts from around the globe to discuss the role of synchronized measurements in improving protection of the power grid. The workshop, instead of having panel type presentations, will be conducted through moderated discussions among participants, in order to ensure lively participation of all attendees.

The participants are as follows:


Xinzhou Dong, Ph.D., Tsinghua University, China






Vahid Madani, Ph.D, P.E., GridTology, USA





Matthew Rhodes, Salt River Project, USA





Suresh Chandra Srivastava, Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India





Glauco N. Taranto, Ph.D., Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/COPPE, Brazil





Murty V.V.S. Yalla, Ph.D., Beckwith Electric, USA





For more information about the workshop, go here.

For more information about the conference, go here.

For the IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics 2019 (IEEE SGSMA 2019), registration is available here.